Your Email Marketing Superstars!
World-class email & SMS marketing that leverages your brand’s unique
voice to turn leads into customers and customers into raving fans.
The Secret Behind Why Most Email Lists Are Dying a Slow Death!

I hate to break it to you… But your email list is probably in danger.
It’s not your fault. You see, like everyone else, you’ve been tricked…
Into following the same outdated formula that’s poisoning your email revenue as we speak.
If you’re an ecom brand, that formula will look something like this:
If you’re a coach or personal brand then it might look a little different:
But the underlying philosophy is the same…
“If I just give my subscribers enough value then they’ll be sure to buy my stuff”
Now yes, it’s true that people JOIN your list because they’re looking for value. (Whether that’s because they bought your product or opted in for a discount or lead magnet)
But just a few short weeks later…
Most of them stop opening your emails.
Even though your newsletters are brimming with value. Even though you’ve sent them tons of “relationship-building” emails with pics of your kids and everything.
And it’s because every time they open their inbox, they’re getting BOMBARDED with emails just like yours.
Which means your messages quickly become “background noise”...
And the moment that happens is the moment your email list starts to die.
You could argue that people these days have too much going on to spend time reading marketing emails…
Yet, the people who’re ignoring your emails are the same people who spend hours reading the news…
Or binge-watching their favorite TV show…
Or commenting on Kanye West’s tweets (back when Twitter was still a thing).
Why? Because all of these things offer them something your emails don’t (yet):
You see, people will seek out value here and there…
But they’re OBSESSED with drama, conflict, and suspense.
They CRAVE characters that they can root for and against.
And they’re ADDICTED to anything that can make them tear up one day… and burst out laughing the next.
Giving your subscribers what they want… in a way that’s congruent with the voice and philosophy of your brand…
That’s the real secret to consistently turning $1 of ad spend into $10k in revenue.
And it’s what allows us to sell to your email subscribers every. single. day.
All while skyrocketing your engagement rate to the stratosphere. (See below for a before/after comparison from a supplement brand I worked with personally).
The problem is crafting an addictive, entertaining email every single day…
Well, it’s really f**king hard to do.
That’s why most email agencies never get their clients real results. Because their #1 priority is to overload their list managers with clients…
So the owner can stack up as many monthly retainers as possible.
Which means those list managers barely have the time to breathe…
In-between pumping out shitty, bland emails that scream “I was written by A.I.”
Here at Email Superstars on the other hand…
All of our list managers are capped at working with 3 clients each at any given time. (AND they keep 80% of every retainer – I don’t need the money).
So that way they have the bandwidth to truly be a part of YOUR team…
Which means taking the time to really nail your brand’s voice…
While also split-testing new angles and implementing innovative ideas that are specific to YOUR business.
So if you’re ready to watch your revenue explode overnight…
>>Then you know what you need to do
-Stefan (Founder of Email Superstars)

We pride ourselves on being personal with our clients.
Our unique approach allows our superstars to seamlessly integrate themselves into your business. In other words, we go above and beyond to serve you not just as an agency but as a member of your team! Important team meeting? We’ll be there. Just dropped an urgent memo in the team Slack channel? We’ve already addressed it. Just broke your all-time monthly revenue record? We can’t wait to celebrate with you!

Whatever the tool, whatever the
niche, we'll turn your email list into a rainmaker.
Our list managers have broken revenue records in 75+ different niches, with countless different CRMs and email marketing platforms. So it doesn’t matter what software you’re using, what your deliverability situation is, or what space you’re in… we got you covered!

Data-driven Strategies That
Deliver Killer Results!
Here at Email Superstars, we’re not just creative marketers… we’re also huge data nerds! In fact one of the things that sets us apart from other agencies is our rigorous approach to split-testing our daily broadcasts. Over time, this allows us to hone in on exactly what converts the best with your particular email audience.

Book Your Free Consultation Call.
Make sure you book your call with me below so I can aggressively pressure you into becoming one of our clients 🥰.
Just kidding. “Hard selling” isn’t really my thing. But what I WILL do is walk you through our step-by-step system for sending out daily promotional emails…
While ALSO increasing subscriber engagement and positive feelings towards your brand. So at the very least, you’ll walk away with something that’ll set you apart from almost every other brand in your space.
Oh, and if you ARE genuinely excited about working with us… Then we can talk about that too 😉 (But no pressure).